Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Den første dag (The first day)

Ah the ups and downs of the first day.

Ups. Finally got a room and a bed (even though a futon is a more accurate decriptions (did I spell that right? Did I just parentheses in a paratheses?))... yep I did. Whatever

I also met a few new people which is definitely reassuring. Plus the accent issue wasn't too much of an issue... Oh and I got made fun of for saying sorry a lot. One of the Canadian stereotypes that is totally true.

The downs. Well, being the psycho that I am, I got back to my room around 10pm and was faced with unpacked bags, burnt out lightbulbs and cheetah print bedding. Not that the cheetah print bedding is a real issue (and if we're going to be honest, it's wild cat bedding, it has pictures of various wild cats.. rawr) but the pillow is literally not a pillow. It looks like a pillow, but the minute you put your head on it, it ceases to exist.

Anyway so combine the fact that I couldn't find my pj's, in the dark, and then went to cozy into my wild cat bed and didn't really have pillow, plus the fact that I had pretty much just gone 24 hours of travelling with no sleep and I was a mess.

Tried calling home for some reassurance and a full on orchestra starts playing on the phone... Uh what? "The number cannot be found". Okay, sweet. But I feel like the orchestra was a bit much just to tell some pillowless girl in her wild cat bed that she can't reach her mother.

Anyway, long story short, I did end up getting through to my mom and finally got some sleep. Woke this morning to this really odd banging sound that has continued on and off since I woke up... I can't figure out what it is, but I'm really hoping it's not a normal thing.

Hopefully today will be better. And by that I mean that the ups start to outnumber the downs.

PS. These Danish titles have made Blogger think that I'm Danish. So now my dashboard is in Danish. Multiculturism. Woot.

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